Logo texte de Domaine des Closiers

Contact us

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Domaine des Closiers is located in Parnay.
6 rue Valbrun
49730 Parnay
GPS: IN 47°17'03" - AND 00° 07' 45"

To find out more about how we collect and manage your data, you can consult our legal notices.

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Our nearby addresses

Where to eat?

La table des Closiers

Find all the wines of Domaine des Closiers at the wine merchant rate and more than 200 references from Saumur Champigny and from all over France in a friendly atmosphere. Home cooking using local and seasonal products. You can drink big while eating simple but especially not the other way around!
17 route de Saumur
49 730 Parnay
Tél : + 33 (0) 2 41 40 12 23

Where to stay?

Hôtel de la Marine de Loire

Relax in front of the Loire. Relax in the Spa. Enjoy the pool...
9 Av. de la Loire
49 730 Montsoreau

On social networks

News related to the estate

"Nul n'est censé ignorer la Loire"
Alain Minvielle
I certify that I am of legal drinking age in my country of residence
